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Question: मानव शरीर से संबंधित संख्यात्मक तथ्यby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. वस्यक व्यक्तियों में अस्थियों की संख्या : → 206
2. खोपड़ी में अस्थियां : → 28
3. कशेरुकाओ की संख्या: →33
4. पसलियों की संख्या: →24
5. गर्दन में कशेरुकाएं : →7
6. श्वसन गति : →16 बार प्रति मिनिट
7. हृदय गति : →72 बार प्रति मिनिट
8. दंत सूत्र : → 2:1:2:3
9. रक्तदाव : →120/80
10. शरीर का तापमान : → 37 डीग्री 98.4 फ़ारेनहाइट
11. लाल रक्त कणिकाओं की आयु : → 120 दिन
12. श्वेत रक्त कणिकाओ की आयु : →1 से 3 दिन
13. चेहरे की अस्थियां: → 14
Question: फल/फुल/सब्जी आदि का वैज्ञानिक नामby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1.मनुष्य---होमो सैपियंस
2.मेढक---राना टिग्रिना
3.बिल्ली---फेलिस डोमेस्टिका
4.कुत्ता---कैनिस फैमिलियर्स
5.गाय---बॉस इंडिकस
6.भैँस---बुबालस बुबालिस
7.बैल---बॉस प्रिमिजिनियस टारस
8.बकरी---केप्टा हिटमस
9.भेँड़---ओवीज अराइज
10.सुअर---सुसस्फ्रोका डोमेस्टिका
11.शेर---पैँथरा लियो
12.बाघ---पैँथरा टाइग्रिस
13.चीता---पैँथरा पार्डुस
14.भालू---उर्सुस मैटिटिमस कार्नीवेरा
15.खरगोश---ऑरिक्टोलेगस कुनिकुलस
16.हिरण---सर्वस एलाफस
17.ऊँट- .....
Question: सामान्य विज्ञान : अतिमहत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तरी​by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: (1) लाफिंग गैस का रासायनिक नाम क्या हैं ?
उत्तर - ​नाइट्रस ऑक्साइड (खोजकर्ता-प्रीस्टाले)​
(2) गोबर गैस में मुख्यत: कौन-सी गैस होती है ?
उत्तर- ​मिथेन​
(3) कुकिंग गैस में कौन-सी गैस होती हैं ?
उत्तर- ​प्रोपेन, ब्यूटेन​
(4) चमकने वाला और माचिसों में प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ है-
उत्तर- ​फास्फॉरस​
(5) फलों को पकाने के लिए किस गैस का प्रयोग किया जाता हैं ?
उत्तर- ​ऐसीटिलीन​
(6) ​जीवाश्मों​ की आयु निर्धारित करने के लिए कौन-सी विधि अपनाई जाती है?
Question: pH मान [ pH value ]by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: १.जल का pH मान कितना होता है = *7*
2 . दूध का PH मान कितना होता है = *6.4*
3.सिरके का PH कितना होता है = *3*
4.मानव रक्त का pH मान = *7.4*
5. नीबू के रस का pH मान = *2.4*
6 . NaCl का pH मान = *7*
7. pH पैमाने का पता किसने लगाया = *सारेन्सन ने*
8. pH मूल्यांक क्या दर्शाता = *किसी घोल का अम्लीय या क्षारीय होना*
9. अम्लीय घोल का pH मान कितना होता है = *7 से कम*
10. उदासिन घोल का pH मान = *7*
11. शराब का pH मान = *2.8*
12. किसी व्यक्ति के रक्त क .....
Question: SCIENCE GKby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. लाफिंग गैस का रासायनिक नाम क्या हैं?— *नाइट्रस ऑक्साइड*
2. हवा से हल्की गैस का उदाहरण दें?— *हाइड्रोजन*
3. हवा से भारी गैस का नाम बताएं?— *कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड*
4. गोबर गैस में मुख्यत: कौन-सी गैस होती है?— *मिथेन*
5. कुकिंग गैस में कौन-सी गैस होती हैं?— *प्रोपेन, ब्यूटेन*
6. चमकने वाला और माचिसों में प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ है-— *फास्फॉरस*
7. मनुष्य के बाद सबसे समझदार जीव किसे कहा जाता हैं?— *डालिफन*
8. बाँस ( Bamboo) क्या हैं?— *घास*
9. फलों को पकाने के .....
Question: Days and nights are caused because of ?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: shape of Earth's orbit
Not Answered

B: revolution movement
C: rotational movement
D: None of these.
Question: What kind of mirror is used for rear view ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Concave
Not Answered

B: Convex
C: Plane
D: Simple Glass
Question: If the mass of a solid is doubled, its density ?
(A) becomes two times
(B) becomes half
(C) remains unchanged
(D) becomes four times
by: vipul (Profile)
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Question: The shape of our Galaxy Milky way is ?by: Abhishek (Profile)
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Question: Which of the following minerals does not contain oxygen ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
A: Carbonates
Not Answered

B: Silicates
C: Pyrites
D: None of these
Question: The longest cell in human body is ?by: sonal (Profile)
A: Skeletal cells
Not Answered

C: Neurons (Nerve Cells)
Question: Which countries has launched Amos-3 satellite ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
A: Japan
Not Answered

B: Israel
C: India
D: None of these
Question: Reading of a barometer going down is an indication ofby: mackharsh (Profile)
A: snow
Not Answered

B: storm
C: intense heat
D: rainfall
Question: What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound?by: mackharsh (Profile)
A: Decibel
Not Answered

B: Coulomb
C: Hum
D: Cycles
Question: Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air ?by: mackharsh (Profile)
A: Oxygen
Not Answered

B: Hydrogen sulphide
C: Carbon dioxide
D: Nitrogen
Question: Who invented Gramophone ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Michael Faraday
Not Answered

B: Thomas Alva Edison
C: Sir Alexander Graham Bell
D: None of these.
Question: Steam boat was invented by ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Michael Faraday
Not Answered

B: James Watt
C: Thomas Edison
D: None of these.
Question: A magnetic compass is generally usedby: yashovardhan7777 (Profile)
A: To draw a circle
Not Answered

B: To make another magnets
C: To find Dierections
D: To attaract iron
Question: Who identified the role of mosquitoes in spreading yellow fever?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Jesse William Lazear
Not Answered

B: William C. Gorgas
C: Aristides Agramonte
D: Carlos Finlay
Question: Which of the following is not a necessary part of our food?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Fats
Not Answered

B: Vitamins
C: Proteins
D: None of these.
Question: Capillary action is due to?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Cohesion & Gravity
Not Answered

B: Adhesion & Surface tension
C: Gravity Only
D: Surface tension only
Question: Heat-resistant glass is ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Flient Glass
Not Answered

B: Hard Glass
C: Pyrex Glass
D: None of these.
Question: Atmospheric pressure is measured by?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Chronmeter
Not Answered

B: Barometer
C: Thermometer
D: None of these
Question: Glass is made of ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Sand and salt
Not Answered

B: Sand and silicates
C: Quartz and mica
Question: Aqua-phobia, also referred as hydrophobia, is the fear of ?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: Water
Not Answered

B: Height
C: Darkness
D: None of these.
Question: scientific name of mango maruti93 (Profile)
A: Mangifera indica
Not Answered

B: Mango tree
C: None
Question: Babcock and Wilcox Boiler maruti93 (Profile)
A: Watet Tube
Not Answered

B: Fire Tube
C: both of these
D: none
Question: India's BVRAAM (beyond visual range air-to-air missile) is?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Molniya R-60
Not Answered

B: Astra Missile
C: Raytheon
Question: Which fabric was widespread used around 3000 BC in india?by: yashu (Profile)
Ans: Cotton
Question: Winnowing is used to seperate the grain from the?by: yashu (Profile)
A: Stalk
Not Answered

B: Chaff
C: Sediment
D: Solvent
Question: Grains or seeds are separated from the stalk by ?by: yashu (Profile)
A: Hand-picking
Not Answered

B: Winnowing
C: Siewing
D: Threshing
Question: Types of lasers?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Gas
Not Answered

B: Solid state
C: Diode
D: All of these.
Question: Louis Pasteur invented yashu (Profile)
A: Vaccine for chicken pox
Not Answered

B: Rabies vaccine
C: Malaria vaccine
D: Non of these
Question: The study of all kinds of plants life is called?by: yashu (Profile)
A: Zoology
Not Answered

B: Botany
C: Chemistry
D: None of these.
Question: Laughing Gas is anand (Profile)
A: Nitrogen Tri-oxide
Not Answered

B: Nitrogen Penta-oxide
C: Nitric Oxide
D: Nitrous oxide
Question: Who was the first woman in space?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Valentina Tereshkova
Not Answered

B: Sally Ride
C: Liu Yang
D: Svetlana Savitskaya
Question: Which is the smallest book in the worldby: yashu (Profile)
A: Bible
Not Answered

B: Shiki no Kusabana
C: Béla Varga
D: Gábor Varga
Question: Who was the first person in spaceby: yashu (Profile)
A: Rakesh Sharma
Not Answered

B: Ritesh Kumar
C: Aryabhatt
D: Major Yuri Gagarin
Question: The length of the wing of an air plane is 10 m. Its horizontal velocity is 200 m /s. If the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field is 5.0 × 10 - 5 weber /m2, calculate the potential difference developed across the two ends of the scorpio (Profile)
A: 1 mV
Not Answered

B: 1 V
C: 0.1n V
D: 0.1 V
Question: The two rails of railway track, insulated from each other, and the ground are connected to a milli-voltmeter. What will be the reading of the milli-voltmeter when a train travels at a speed of 180 km /hr along the track, if the vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is 2 × 10 - 4 weber /m2 and rails are separated by 1 scorpio (Profile)
A: 10 mV
Not Answered

B: 1 V
C: 1 mV
D: 100 V
Question: A direct current of 2 A in a coil of 400 turns causes a flux of 10 - 4 weber to links of the coil. Compute the average counter e.m.f. induced in the coil if the current is interrupted in 0.08 s. Find the inductance of the scorpio (Profile)
A: 5 V, 0.02 H
Not Answered

B: 0.5 V, 0.02 H
C: 0.02 V, 0.5 H
D: 0.2 V, 0.05 H
Question: The rate of change of current in one of the coils ( a system formed by two coils ) is 1.6 A /s. Due to this, induced emf in the other coil is 25.6 ´ 10 3 mV. Find mutual inductance of the system formed by scorpio (Profile)
A: 16 x10 ^-3 H
Not Answered

B: 16 0 H
C: 16 H
D: 1.6 x10 ^-3 H
Question: Which of these things would a cardiovascular technologist not do? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Assist a surgeon in implanting a pacemaker
Not Answered

B: Design an artificial heart
C: Monitor a patients heart rate during surgery
D: Assist with open heart surgery
Question: In which science career might you monitor gauges and sensors to decide when to release steam from geothermal power plant valves? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Geologist
Not Answered

B: Precision instrument and equipment repairer
C: Power plant operator
D: None of these.
Question: What kind of scientist might develop an acne medication that kills pimple-causing bacteria? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Microbiologist
Not Answered

B: Acneologist
C: Minibiologist
D: Neurologist
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