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Geography questions
Question: What causes the formation of clouds in the sky?
by: Alok (Profile)
A: Accumulation of dust particles
Not Answered

B: Condensation of water vapor
C: Reaction of gases in the air
Question: What is the name of the wind that blows from the west to the east in the mid-latitudes?
by: Alok (Profile)
A: Westerlies
Not Answered

B: Trade winds
C: Polar easterlies
Question: When does winter in the Southern Hemisphere begin?
by: Alok (Profile)
A: June
Not Answered

B: August
C: March
Question: What is the name of the phenomenon that causes hot and dry winds to blow from North Africa to Southern Europe?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Sirocco
Not Answered

B: Mistral
C: Foehn
Question: What is the name that Arizonans use to refer to the dust storms brought by the monsoon?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Haboobs
Not Answered

B: Ghiblis
C: Loos
Question: How does lightning occur during a thunderstorm?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Friction between clouds
Not Answered

B: Static charge separation
C: Condensation of water vapor
Question: How is visibility measured?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Visibility meter or visibility sensor
Not Answered

B: Hygrometer
C: Barometer
Question: What is the term for a sudden, violent electrical storm?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Thunderstorm
Not Answered

B: Blizzard
C: Heat wave
Question: What is a microburst?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Small tornado that forms over water bodies.
Not Answered

B: Sudden downdraft that causes strong winds at ground level.
C: Small-scale hurricane that forms over land areas.
Question: Why do some people get sunburned on snowy days?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Reflection of sunlight from snow
Not Answered

B: Higher UV radiation levels
C: Altered skin sensitivity
Question: How does air pressure affect our ears during flights?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Alters fluid balance
Not Answered

B: Alters fluid balance
C: Eardrum compression
Question: What is the hottest layer of the Earth's atmosphere?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Troposphere
Not Answered

B: Stratosphere
C: Thermosphere
Question: How does the greenhouse effect contribute to global warming?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Reflection of solar radiation
Not Answered

B: Reflection of solar radiation
C: Trapping of heat by greenhouse gases
Question: What is the name of the process by which our bodies lose heat through direct contact with a cooler object?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Convection
Not Answered

B: Radiation
C: Conduction
Question: Can tropical cyclones cause floods?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Yes
Not Answered

B: No
Question: Why do deserts experience extreme temperature variations?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Lack of moisture and vegetation
Not Answered

B: Proximity to the equator
C: Volcanic activity
Question: Can 50 mph winds knock down trees?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Yes
Not Answered

B: No
Question: How do ocean currents impact weather conditions on land?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Heat redistribution
Not Answered

B: Volcanic activity
C: Earth's magnetic field
Question: भूगोल (नदियों के किनारे अवस्थित नगर) —by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. पेरिस शहर किस नदी के तट पर स्थित है?
(A) डेन्यूब (B) टाइबर
(C) सीन (D) सतलज
2. बुडापेस्ट शहर किस नदी के किनारे स्थित है?
(A) टिग्रिस (B) हडसन
(C) नील (D) डेन्यूब
3. रोम (इटली) नगर किस नदी के किनारे बसा है?
(A) विस्टुला (B) एवान
(C) राइन (D) टाइबर
4. निम्नलिखित में कौन-सा शहर डेन्यूब नदी के किनारे नहीं अवस्थित है?
(A) बेलग्रेड (B) बुडापेस्ट
(C) रोम (D) वियना
5. फ्रांस का बोर्डो बन्दरगाह किस नदी के तट पर स्थित है?
(A) सीन .....
Question: भारत का भौतिक स्वरूपby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. भारत का कितना प्रतिशत भाग पर्वतीय है ?
Ans. -11 प्रतिशत
2. भारत का कितना प्रतिशत भाग पहाड़ी है ?
Ans. -18 प्रतिशत
3. भारत का कितना प्रतिशत भाग पठारी है ?
Ans. -28 प्रतिशत
4. कितना प्रतिशत भाग मैदानी है ?
Ans. -43 प्रतिशत
5. भू-वैज्ञानिकों के मुताबिक जहां आज हिमालय पर्वत है वहां पहले क्या था ?
Ans. -टेथिस सागर
6. हिमालय की उत्पत्ति का सिद्धांत क्या है ?
Ans. -प्लेट विवर्तणिकी
7. हिमालय पर्वतश्रेणी को कितने भागों में बांटा गया है ?
Question: India Geography At A Glanceby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1.India is the seventh largest country in the world with an area of 3287263 sq. km, which is 2.42% of world's area.
2. India is the second most populous country in the world with a population of 1,236,344,631 (approx by July 2014). Officially 1.21 billion (as of 2011 census), which is 17.44% of the world.
3.Indian subcontinent is located in the Northern and Eastern hemisphere.
4.India shares longest boundary with Bangladesh (4053 km), followed by China (3380 km), Pakisthan (291 .....Read more...
Question: Geography Question and Answers for Exams and Competitionsby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: ● सौरमंडल में कुल कितने ग्रह हैं— 8
● सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमने वाले पिंड को क्या कहते हैं— ग्रह
● किसी ग्रह के चारों ओर घूमने वाले पिंड को क्या कहते हैं— उपग्रह
● ग्रहों की गति के नियम का पता किसने लगाया— केपलर
● अंतरिक्ष में कुल कितने तारा मंडल हैं— 89
● सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह कौन-सा है— बृहस्पति
● सौरमंडल का जन्मदाता किसे कहा जाता है— सूर्य को
● कौन-से ग्रह सूर्य के चारों ओर दक्षिणावर्त घूमते हैं— शुक्र व अरुण
● ‘निक्स ओलंपिया कोलंपस पर्वत’ किस ग्रह पर .....
Question: पृथ्वी की सुरक्षा कवच किस मंडल को कहते है?
अ)समताप मंडल
स)ओजोन मंडल
द)आयन मंडल
by: Alok (Profile)
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Question: 2nd codest inhabited place in indiaby: prabharana23 (Profile)
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Question: ब्लैक होल के बारे में रोचक तथ्य (Interesting Facts about Black Hole in Hindi)by: Abhijeet (Profile)
Ans: 1 . अरबो सालो बाद जब कोई सूरज का अंत होता है तो वो एक ब्लैक होल का रूप ले लेता है | ब्लैक होल एक ऐसा पिंड होता है जिसका द्रव्यमान बहुत ज्यादा होता है|
2 . 18 सताब्दी में ही वैज्ञानिकों ने ब्लैक होल के अस्तित्व की संका जाहिर कर दी थी, परन्तु इस रहस्य से पर्दा तब उठा जब 1964 में पहले ब्लैक होल किंगस x -1 के संकेत मिले |
3 . अगर हम माउंट एवेरेस्ट को 1 नैनोमीटर से भी छोटे साइज़ में कॉम्प्रेस कर दे तो वह एक ब्लैक होल बन जाएगा|
4 . ब्लैक होल का गुरुत्वाकर्षण इतना अधिक होता है कि इसके गुर .....Read more...
Question: name of boundary line between India and Bangladeshby: mangalsubba (Profile)
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Question: Since 1880, Which Year has been ranked as Hottest Year ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: 2005
Not Answered

B: 2012
C: 2013
D: 2014
Question: नंदिनी गाय किस ऋषि के पास थी ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: ऋषि वशिष्ठ
Question: भारत मेँ सोया प्रदेश कहा जाता है ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: मध्यप्रदेश
Question: न्यूनतम जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला देश ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: अंटार्कटिका
Question: क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से सबसे छोटा देश ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: वेटिकन सिटी
Question: क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा देश ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: रूस
Question: क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा नगर ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: लंदन (ग्रेट ब्रिटेन)
Question: सबसे गहरा महासागर ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: प्रशांत महासागर
Question: सबसे बड़ा महासागर ?by: vipul (Profile)
Ans: प्रशांत महासागर
Question: सबसे छोटा महाद्वीप।
उत्तर –
by: vipul (Profile)
A: आस्ट्रेलिया
Not Answered

B: एशिया
C: यूरोप
D: None of these.
Question: सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: एशिया
Not Answered

B: यूरोप
C: None of these.
Question: The area of earth covered by forests ?by: Anjaly (Profile)
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Question: Agatti Island is located in ?by: sneha (Profile)
Ans: Agatti is a 5.6 km long island.
Agatti is located on a coral atoll in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep, India.
Question: What is Ring of Fire ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: A mountain
Not Answered

B: A river
C: Area in the basin of Pacific ocean
D: None of these.
Question: Triton is the largest moon of which planet ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
A: Saturn
Not Answered

B: Neptune
C: Jupiter
D: Uranus
Question: Highest Lake in India ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Kolleru Lake
Not Answered

B: Devtal Lake
C: Wular Lake
D: None of these
Question: Largest Lake in India is ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Wular Lake
Not Answered

B: Chilka Lake
C: Devtal Lake
D: None of these
Question: Ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica in ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: 1975
Not Answered

B: 1985
C: 1978
D: 1987
Question: Where is Java trench located ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Antarctic Ocean
Not Answered

B: Atlantic Ocean
C: Indian Ocean
D: Pacific Ocean
Question: First country to launch a cosmic space rocket towards moon ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Japan
Not Answered

B: United Kingdom
C: Russia
D: None of these.
Question: Which planet is nearest to the Sun ?by: VarshaB (Profile)
Not Answered

D: None of these.
Question: The largest planet in the solar system ?by: VarshaB (Profile)
Not Answered

Question: Earth's only continent without a native human population ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Antarctica
Not Answered

B: Africa
C: Australia
D: North America
Question: Which oceans are connected by the Panama Canal ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Mediterranean sea with red sea
Not Answered

B: Pecific ocean with Atlantic
C: Mediterranean sea with black sea
D: Red sea with black sea
Question: The Highest Mountain in the Alps is?by: amit (Profile)
A: Mont Blanc
Not Answered

B: Monte Rosa
C: Dom
D: Weisshorn
Question: The Largest Glaciated area in the tropics is?by: amit (Profile)
A: Aletsch Glacier
Not Answered

B: Quelccaya Ice Cap
C: Monte Rosa
D: None of these
Question: The largest glacier of the Alps is?by: amit (Profile)
A: The Aletsch Glacier
Not Answered

B: Rimpfischhorn
C: Matterhorn
D: None of these
Question: The largest glaciers are found in?by: amit (Profile)
A: Mountains
Not Answered

B: Continent
C: Alps
D: None of these
Question: The Great Victoria Desert is located in?by: amit (Profile)
A: Australia
Not Answered

B: West Africa
C: North America
D: None of these
Question: The habitat of the Toda tribe is?by: kiran (Profile)
A: Aravalli Range
Not Answered

B: Siwalik Range
C: Kaimur Range
D: Nilgiri Hills
Question: Rohtang pass is situated in which mountain range?by: arpitbindaas (Profile)
A: Pir Panjal Himalayas
Not Answered

B: Hindu kush
C: Vindhya
D: Ural
Question: Which planet is known as red Planet?by: amit (Profile)
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Question: Which is largest lake in the world ? by: amit (Profile)
A: Lake Baikal
Not Answered

B: Caspian Sea
C: Lake Superior
D: Lake Victoria
Question: Palk Strait lies between India and ?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Sri Lanka
Not Answered

B: Bangladesh
C: Bhutan
D: Pakistan
Question: The largest and deepest ocean is?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Indian Ocean
Not Answered

B: Arctic Ocean
C: Atlantic Ocean
D: Pacific Ocean
Question: Vasco da Gama was basically from _____ ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Austria
Not Answered

B: Portugal
C: France
D: Spain
Question: Longest river in Asia continent?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Yellow
Not Answered

B: Yangtze
C: Mekong
D: Lena
Question: The smallest and least populated territory in India is?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Lakshadweep
Not Answered

B: Daman and Diu
C: Dadra and Nagar Haveli
D: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Question: Earth's surface covered by water is about?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: 50%
Not Answered

B: 60%
C: 70%
D: 80%
Question: The deepest known point of the oceans is found in ?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Pacific Ocean
Not Answered

B: Atlantic Ocean
C: Panama CanaL
D: None of these.
Question: The largest tea producer in the world is?by: Alok (Profile)
A: China
Not Answered

B: India
C: Kenya
D: Sri Lanka
Question: The largest silver producer in the world is?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Mexico
Not Answered

B: China
C: Peru
D: Australia
Question: 2nd biggest mountain in the world is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Mount Everest (Mahalangur Himalaya)
Not Answered

B: Godwin Austen ( Baltoro Karakoram)
C: Kangchenjunga (Kangchenjunga Himalaya)
D: Lhotse (Mahalangur Himalaya)
Question: Highest mountain peak of india?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Mount Everest
Not Answered

B: Kangchenjunga
C: Nanda Devi
D: None of these.
Question: Which country in the list does not belong to Europe?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: United Kingdom
Not Answered

B: Italy
C: Greece
D: Brazil
Question: "Indirasagar Dam" is established at the river?by: sushma (Profile)
A: Sonbhardra
Not Answered

B: Narmada
C: Tapti
D: Denwa
Question: "Bansagar Dam" is established at the river?by: sushma (Profile)
A: Tapti
Not Answered

B: Narmada
C: Sonbhardra
D: Satpura
Question: The largest river in "Madhya Pradesh" is ?by: sushma (Profile)
A: Narmada
Not Answered

B: Satpura
C: Sonbhardra
D: None
Question: The country without river?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Saudi Arabia
Not Answered

B: Nepal
D: None of these.
Question: Elephant and One-horned Rhinoceroses are found in the forest of - ?by: rajesh3586 (Profile)
A: Gujarat
Not Answered

B: Bihar
C: Rann of kuchchh (Kutch)
D: Assam
Question: Russia belongs to .....?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Asia
Not Answered

B: Europe
C: Both of these.
D: None of these.
Question: Which country is called the country of wind?by: rajesh3586 (Profile)
A: Denmark
Not Answered

B: Norway
C: India
D: Germany
Question: In which among the following islands the Early Tsunami Warning System is installed that can predict a tsunami immediately after an earthquake?by: Abhishek (Profile)
A: Islands of the Cauvery River
Not Answered

B: Quibble Island
C: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
D: None of these.
Question: India's Spice Garden is?by: akash (Profile)
A: Uttaranchal
Not Answered

B: Kerala
C: Bihar
D: None of these.
Question: Goa is located on which bank of river ?by: akash (Profile)
A: Gomati
Not Answered

B: Ganga
C: Mandovi
D: Sabarmati
Question: Fort William is located in ?by: akash (Profile)
A: Kolkata
Not Answered

B: Goa
C: Delhi
D: Agra
Question: The earliest known globe was made by ?by: Geography (Profile)
A: Aristarchus of Samothrace
Not Answered

B: Crates of Mallus
C: Diogenes of Babylon
D: None of these
Question: Longitudes are also called?by: Geography (Profile)
A: Parallels
Not Answered

B: Meridians
C: Grids
D: None of these
Question: Latitudes are the imaginary horizontal lines running from?by: Geography (Profile)
A: west to east
Not Answered

B: east to west
C: north to south
D: None of these
Question: Which imaginary line divides India into two halves?by: Geography (Profile)
A: Equator
Not Answered

B: Tropic of Cancer
C: Tropic of Capricon
D: Great Circle
Question: Levantine Basin is found?by: Geography (Profile)
A: Arctic Ocean
Not Answered

B: Mediterranean Sea
C: South Atlantic Ocean
D: None of these
Question: The tallest peak in the world?by: Pankaj (Profile)
A: Himalaya
Not Answered

B: Mount Averest
C: Kanchanjangha
D: None of these
Question: How many states in India?by: Pankaj (Profile)
A: 27
Not Answered

B: 28
C: 29
D: 30
Question: Which is the longest river in India?by: Pankaj (Profile)
A: Ganga
Not Answered

B: Yamuna
C: Brahmputra
D: Godavari
Question: Which state is in the highest point of Indiaby: Pankaj (Profile)
A: jammu & kashmir
Not Answered

B: jammu
C: sikkim
D: himachal pradesh
Question: Which is 7th largest country in the world...? by: Pankaj (Profile)
A: America
Not Answered

B: China
C: India
D: None of these
Question: A universal language of the map can be understood by way anand (Profile)
A: Alphabets
Not Answered

B: Thematic Maps
C: Conventional symbols
D: Sketch
Question: Which state in India has the largest population?by: sneha (Profile)
A: Uttar Pradesh
Not Answered

B: Maharashtra
C: Bihar
D: West Bengal
Question: Which is the color in the center of a rainbow?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Red
Not Answered

B: Green
C: Blue
D: Violet
Question: Where is India? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: In Europe
Not Answered

B: In North America
C: In Asia
D: None of these
Question: When is the monsoon season in India?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: December through April
Not Answered

B: September through January
C: June through October
D: March through July
Question: Which hills bound the Deccan Plateau on the east and west?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Hindu Kush
Not Answered

B: Karakoram
C: Himalaya
D: Ghats
Question: Magyars are the people of which country?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Slovakia
Not Answered

B: Romania
C: Hungary
D: Moldova
Question: Madya Pradesh is bordered on the east by ....,by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Gujarat
Not Answered

B: Uttar Pradesh
C: Chhattisgarh
D: Rajasthan
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