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Economics questions
Question: अर्थशास्त्र के Top 50 सवाल - 50 questions of Economicsby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: अर्थशास्त्र के Top 50 सवाल
1. ‘वेल्थ ऑफ नेशंस’ पुस्तक के लेखक कौन हैं? – एडम
2. भारत में सिंचाई का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण साधन क्या है? –
3. देश में राष्ट्रीय न्यादर्श (N.S.S.) की स्थापना कब
हुई? – 1950 ई. में
4. भारत को अधिकतम किससे कर आय प्राप्त होती है? –
निगम कर से
5. किन देशों की मुद्रा प्रायः हार्ड करेन्सी होती है? –
विकसित देशों की
6. भारत में कोयले की सबसे मोटी पटल कहां पायी जाती है?
– सिंग .....
Question: Utility may be defined asby: ruhi (Profile)
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Question: Economics is a ___________ scienceby: ruhi (Profile)
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Question: regulator of micro finance in india?by: Ritu22 (Profile)
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Question: Which bank launched India's first Digital Bank on mobile phones?by: Naval (Profile)
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C: State Bank of India
D: Axis Bank
Question: Currency notes of what denomination were brought back by the RBI recently?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Rs 1
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B: Rs 2
C: Rs 5
D: None of these.
Question: What is Gilt Edged Market?by: jasim15 (Profile)
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Question: Which country's economic growth rate has been slowest in last 24 years ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Britain
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B: China
D: India
Question: regulatory authority of NBFC?by: akanksha (Profile)
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Question: What is monetary policy? by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: A Monetary policy is the process by which the government, central bank, of a country controls (i) the supply of money, (ii) availability of money, and (iii) cost of money or rate of interest, in order to attain a set of objectives oriented towards the growth and stability of the economy.
Question: What is Per Capita Income?by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: The national income of a country, or region, divided by its population. Per capita income is often used to measure a country's standard of living.
Question: What is National Income?by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: National Income is the money value of all goods and services produced in a country during the year.
Question: What is National Income?by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: National Income is the money value of all goods and services produced in a country during the year.
Question: What is GNP?by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: Gross National Product is measured as GDP plus income of residents from investments made abroad minus income earned by foreigners in domestic market.
Question: What is GDP?by: Jyoti (Profile)
Ans: The Gross Domestic Product or GDP is a measure of all of the services and goods produced in a country over a specific period; classically a year.
Question: Global Infrastructure Facility has been Launched by ?by: pri003 (Profile)
Not Answered

B: World Bank
Question: When was International Monetary Fund (IMF) established?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: 1945
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B: 1946
C: 1947
D: 1944
Question: Periodically Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reviews a few SLR norms. SLR stands for?by: Abhijeet (Profile)
A: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
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B: Statutory Liquidity Rate
C: Statutory Liquidity Return
D: Statutory Liquidity Repo
Question: In India, Capital Market is regulated by ?by: Abhijeet (Profile)
A: Securities and Exchange Board of India
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B: Reserve Bank of India
C: State Bank of India
D: International Monetary Fund
Question: India and the Global Financial Crisis was written byby: Arun91 (Profile)
A: Y.V. Reddy
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B: AmartyaSen
C: Salman Rushdie
D: None of these
Question: What is kiosk banking ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
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Question: What is GDP ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Gross Domestic Poverty
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B: Gross Demand Product
C: Gross Domestic Product
D: None of these.
Question: FIPB stands for ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Foreign Investment and Production Board
Not Answered

B: Foreign Investment and Promotion Board
C: Foreign Investment and Protection Board
D: None of the above
Question: RAND is the currency of ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: China
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B: Japan
C: North Korea
D: South Africa
Question: In India, Commodities Market is regulated by ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Forward Market Council
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B: Forward Market Corporation
C: Forward Market Commission
D: Forward Market Committee
Question: What is the full form for NEFT ?by: amit (Profile)
Ans: National Electronic Fund Transfer
Question: Amartya Sen's School of Thought is called?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Welfare Economics
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B: Societal Economics
C: primal Economics
D: Fundamental Economics
Question: Where is World Bank's Head Quarter located?by: aditya (Profile)
A: Paris
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B: Hague
C: Washington
D: Geneva
Question: Non-Economic good in the list is?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Milk
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B: Gold
C: Cinema-ticket
D: Water in river
Question: Financial Inclusion's features include?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Opening of no-frills accounts
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B: Relaxation on know-your-customer (KYC) norms
C: Engaging business correspondents (BCs)
D: All of these.
Question: Financial inclusion was introduced in India by?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Subir Gokarn
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B: K.C. Chakraborthy
C: Pratip Chaudhuri
D: None of these.
Question: Banking Ombudsman is appointed by?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: Government of India
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B: Reserve Bank of India
C: State Governments
D: None of these.
Question: Invisible Hand, the concept of Adam Smith, was first introduced in?by: Economics (Profile)
A: The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759)
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B: The Wealth of Nations (1776)
C: Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms (1763)
D: Essays on Philosophical Subjects (1795)
Question: Which one does belong to Economics?by: Economics (Profile)
A: J.B. Say
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B: Alfred Marshall
C: John Maynard Keynes
D: All of these.
Question: Which topic does Economics include ?by: Economics (Profile)
A: Supply and demand
Not Answered

B: Inflation
C: Monetary policy
D: All of these.
Question: Principles of Economics (1890) was written by?by: Economics (Profile)
A: Alfred Marshall
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B: Adam Smith
C: Karl Marx
D: John Maynard Keynes
Question: Wealth of Nations (1776) was written by?by: Economics (Profile)
A: David Ricardo
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B: Adam Smith
C: Karl Marx
D: John Maynard Keynes
Question: When was IDBI established?by: himank (Profile)
Ans: 1964
Question: What is current GDP of India?by: sarvesh786 (Profile)
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Question: Whats the currency of Iraq?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
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D: None
Question: Name of the postal scheme on which interest is exempted from income tax?by: Alok (Profile)
A: National Saving Certificate
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B: 5 Year TD
C: R.D. (Recurring Deposite)
D: SB (Saving Bank)
Question: Full name of the book "The Wealth of Nations" authored by Adam Smith?
by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: The Wealth of Nations
Not Answered

B: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
C: Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
D: Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Question: Author of The Wealth of Nations is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: John Maynard Keynes
Not Answered

B: Alfred Marshall
C: adam smith
D: None of these
Question: Principles of Economics (1890), the book by?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: John Maynard Keynes
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B: William Stanley Jevons
C: adam smith
D: Alfred Marshall
Question: What is the current Indian currency?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Indian dollar
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B: rupee
C: euro
D: dinar
Question: KCC stands for?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Kirana Credit card
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B: Kisan commission card
C: Karishi Credit card
D: Kisan credit card
Question: Monetary policy in India is formulated byby: Alok (Profile)
Not Answered

D: Planning Commission
Question: Which of the following is an indirect tax?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Capital gains tax
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B: Corporation tax
C: Wealth tax
D: Excise duty
Question: The central banking functions in India are performed by the ?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Central Bank of India
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B: Reserve Bank of India
C: State Bank of India
D: Punjab National Bank
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