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Biology questions
Question: मानव हृदय का एक मिनट में कितनी बार स्पंदन होता है ?
पच्चीस बार
तीस बार
बहत्तर बार
छियानवे बार
by: Vishal (Profile)
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Question: Normal body temperature is?by: Mohana94 (Profile)
A: 37 c
Not Answered

B: 37 k
C: 90 c
D: 100 k
Question: Which country has become successful in organ donation from Newborn baby ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: India
Not Answered

B: France
Question: Kessler Syndrome is assosiated with ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Swine Flu
Not Answered

B: Ebola
C: Space debris
D: None of these.
Question: Largest part of the human brain is ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Cerebellum
Not Answered

B: Cerebrum
C: Mid-brain
D: Medulla oblongata
Question: Sources of Vitamin B are ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Grains (Wheat, Oats)
Not Answered

B: Nuts and Beans
C: Fishes and Eggs
D: All of these.
Question: Which Vitamin plays a role in healing wounds within the body ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Vitamin C
Not Answered

B: Vitamin A
C: Vitamin D
D: None of these.
Question: Vitamin D is beneficial for ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Bones
Not Answered

B: Eyes
C: Heart
D: None of these.
Question: Vitamin E is beneficial for ? by: amsh (Profile)
A: Heart
Not Answered

B: Skin
C: both of these
D: None of these.
Question: Vitamin A is beneficial for ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Eyes
Not Answered

B: Immune system
C: Cell growth
D: All of these.
Question: The pointed teeth in your mouth areby: yashu (Profile)
A: premolars
Not Answered

B: incisors
C: molars
D: canines
Question: Which vitamin promotes healthy functioning of eyes ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Vitmin-A
Not Answered

B: Vitamin-D
C: Vitamin-E
D: Vitamin-k
Question: The main cause of heart disease ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Proteins
Not Answered

B: Sugar
C: Starch
D: Cholesterol
Question: During sleep a man's blood pressure ?by: Vishal (Profile)
A: Increase
Not Answered

B: Decrease
C: Remains constant
D: None of these
Question: Alcoholic fermentation is brought by ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Mushrooms
Not Answered

B: Amoeba
C: Virus
D: Yeast
Question: The longest bone in the human body is ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Fibula
Not Answered

B: Femur
C: Tibia
D: Humerus
Question: Total number of bones in the human body are ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: 108
Not Answered

B: 206
C: 336
D: 196
Question: which of the following has no blood, but respires?by: tishu333 (Profile)
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Question: Crocodile Heart is?by: amit (Profile)
A: 4 chambered
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B: 3 chambered
C: 3 chambered
D: Single chambered
Question: Vitamin Necessary for clotting of blood is?by: kiran (Profile)
A: E
Not Answered

B: K
C: B
D: D
Question: Pace Maker is also known as?by: kiran (Profile)
A: S.A. Node
Not Answered

B: Chordae Tendinae
C: A.V. Node
D: None of these.
Question: Tuberculosis is caused by?by: kiran (Profile)
A: Virus
Not Answered

B: Bacteria
C: Fungi
D: Algae
Question: Red Blood Cells are made in the?by: kiran (Profile)
A: Bone Marrow
Not Answered

B: Liver
C: Heart
D: Spleen
Question: Entomology is the science that studiesby: Ashita17 (Profile)
A: Behavior of human beings
Not Answered

B: The formation of rocks
C: Insects
D: The origin and history of technical and scientific terms
Question: Hypothalamus, a part of the brains works of controlling ... ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Body Temperature
Not Answered

B: Hunger & Thirst
C: Fatigue, Sleep
D: All of these.
Question: what is the pH of blood?by: january11 (Profile)
A: 7.2
Not Answered

B: 7.4
C: 6.2
D: 6.4
Question: What is the barr body?by: january11 (Profile)
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Question: seventy percent of a human body's weight is made up of.........??by: yashovardhan7777 (Profile)
A: blood
Not Answered

B: gases
C: water
D: non of these
Question: The building blocks of our body are the?by: yashovardhan7777 (Profile)
A: muscles
Not Answered

B: cells
C: bones
D: skull
Question: The ears of a grasshopper are found near yashu (Profile)
A: feet
Not Answered

B: knees
C: head
D: non of these
Question: Which of these is the smallest unit of a body ?by: Ayush (Profile)
A: Tissue
Not Answered

B: Red Blood Cell
C: White Blood Cell
D: Cell
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