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History questions
Question: रानी दुर्गावती का जन्म दिवस कब मनाया जाता है ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: 5 अक्टूबर
Not Answered

B: 11 अक्टूबर
C: 10 अक्टूबर
D: इनमे से कोई नहीं
Question: रानी दुर्गावती का नाम इनमे से कौन से स्थान से जुड़ा हुआ है ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: बाँदा
Not Answered

B: कालिंजर
C: खजुराहो
D: इनमे से कोई नहीं
Question: Indian History:प्राचीन भारत- जैन धर्मby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. जैन धर्म का उदय का कारण क्या था ?
- ब्राह्मणों के बढ़ते जटिल कर्मकाण्डों की प्रक्रिया के खिलाफ
2. जैन धर्म का उदय कब हुआ ?
- 6ठी शताब्दी ई०पू०
3. जैन धर्म का संस्थापक कौन थे ?
- ऋषभदेव
4. जैन धर्म के प्रथम तीर्थकर एवं प्रवर्तक कौन थे ?
- ऋषभदेव
5. जैन धर्म में कितने तीर्थकर हुए ?
- 24
6. जैन धर्म के 23वें तीर्थकर कौन थे ?
- पाशर्वनाथ
7. पाशर्वनाथ किस राजा के पुत्र थे ?
- अश्वसेन
8. पाशर्वनाथ ने भिक्षुओं को किस रंग का वस्त्र .....Read more...
Question: who was the first President of the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan?
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: Liaquat Ali Khan
Not Answered

B: Quaid-e-Azam
C: Moulvi Tameez-ud-Din
D: Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
Question: मुगल काल – अकबरby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. पानीपथ का द्वितीय युद्ध कब और किसके बीच लड़ा गया ?
►-1556 ई. में अकबर और हेमू विकमादित्य के बीच ।
2. पानीपथ का द्वितीय युद्ध में किसकी जीत हुई ?
3. अकबर का जन्म कब और कहां हुआ ?
►-सन् 1542 ई. में हुमायूं के प्रवास के दौरान अमरकोट में राणा बीरसाल के महल में अकबर का जन्म हुआ ।
4. किसके संरक्षण में अकरब ने 1560 ई. तक शासन किया ?
►-बैरम खां
5. सिंहासन पर बैठते ही अकबर ने कौन सा युद्ध लड़ा और जीता ?
►-पानीपथ की दूसरी लड़ाई
6. अकबर ने कौन-सा .....
Question: Important for Exams & competitions Abhijeet (Profile)
Ans: 1. राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस कब मनाया जाता है।- 29 अगस्त
2.अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार दिवस कब मनाया जाता है।- 10 दिसंबर
३. आनासागर का निर्माण किसने करवाया था।- अरुणोराज
4. बूंदी का किला किसने बनवाया था।- राजानगर सिंह
5. तुगलकाबाद का संस्थापक था।- ग्यासुदीन तुगलक
6. कोटा में जगमोहन महल का निर्माण किसने करवाया था।
- राजकुमार ब्रजकुमार
7. धोलपुर में कानपुर महल किसने बनवाया था।- शाहजहां
8. किस शासक ने सर्वप्रथम लोक निर्माण विभाग की स्थापना की।
-फिरोजशाह तुगलक
Question: भारत के ऐतिहासिक एवं दर्शनीय स्थलby: Abhijeet (Profile)
Ans: भारत के ऐतिहासिक एवं दर्शनीय स्थल
🏛अमरनाथ गुफा➖काश्मीर
🏛सूर्य मन्दिर (ब्लैक पगोडा)➖ कोणार्क
🏛वृहदेश्वर मन्दिर➖तन्जौर
🏛दिलवाड़ा मन्दिर, माउंट आबू
🏛आमेर दुर्ग➖जयपुर
🏛इमामबाड़ा➖ लखनऊ
🏛वृन्दावन गार्डन➖मैसूर
🏛चिल्का झील➖ओड़ीसा
🏛अजन्ता की गुफाएँ➖औरंगाबाद
🏛मालाबार हिल्स➖ मुम्बई
🏛गोमतेश्वर मन्दिर श्रवणबेलगोला➖ कर्नाटक
🏛बुलन्द दरवाजा➖ फतेहपुर सीकरी
🏛अकबर का मकबरा➖सिकन्दरा, आगरा
🏛जोग प्रपात➖मैसूर
🏛शान्ति निकेतन➖ कोलक .....
Question: INDIAN RULERSby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: *गुलाम वंश*
1=1193 मुहम्मद गौरी
2=1206 कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक
3=1210 आराम शाह
4=1211 इल्तुतमिश
5=1236 रुकनुद्दीन फिरोज शाह
6=1236 रज़िया सुल्तान
7=1240 मुईज़ुद्दीन बहराम शाह
8=1242 अल्लाउदीन मसूद शाह
9=1246 नासिरुद्दीन महमूद
10=1266 गियासुदीन बल्बन
11=1286 कै खुशरो
12=1287 मुइज़ुदिन कैकुबाद
13=1290 शमुद्दीन कैमुर्स
1290 गुलाम वंश समाप्त्
(शासन काल-97 वर्ष लगभग )
*👉खिलजी वंश*
1=1290 जलालुदद्दीन फ़िरोज़ खिलजी
2=1296 .....
Question: भारत का इतिहासby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: Q1. किस गवर्नर जनरल ने शिमला को ग्रीष्मकालीन राजधानी बनाया था
A. लार्ड कैनिंग
B. लार्ड लोरेंस
C. लार्ड डलहोजी
D. लार्ड मेयो
Answer is C
Q2. सुभाष चंद्र बोस निम्न में से किस “कंग्रेस अधिवेशन” के अध्यक्ष रहे?
A. 1926 (गोहाटी)
B. 1929 (लहौर)
C. 1927 (मद्रास)
D. 1938 (हरिपुरा)
Answer is D
Q3. दिल्ली सल्तनत में इक्ता प्रणाली का प्रारम्भ किसने किया?
A. कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक
B. इल्तुतमिश
C. बलबन
D. अलाउद्दीन
Answer is B
Question: plasi yuddha bangal ke navab.........aur governer ........... ke bich hua thaby: vijay111 (Profile)
A: sirojuddola , robart klaivh
Not Answered

B: mir kasim, robart klaivh
C: sirojuddola , lord karnvalis
D: mir kasim, lord karnvalis
Question: महाभारत का युद्ध कितने दिनों तक हुआ था?
by: amsh (Profile)
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Question: Guardian of Akbar wasby: goki213 (Profile)
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Question: Which Freedom Fighter was killed During Simon Commission?by: Kaliyugaramudu (Profile)
Ans: Lala Lajpat Rai
Question: Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated in the 22nd battle of Tarain by ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Babur
Not Answered

B: Mahmud Ghazni
C: Muhammad Ghori
D: Ibrahim Lodhi
Question: Token currency was introduced in India for the first time by ? by: Vinod (Profile)
A: Alau-din-Khilji
Not Answered

B: Sher Shah Suri
C: Ghiyas-ud-din-Tughlaq
D: Muhammad bin Tughluq
Question: The Sarvodaya Movement was started by ?by: kiran (Profile)
A: Mahatma Gandhi
Not Answered

B: Jayprakash Narayan
C: Jyotiba Phule
D: Vinoba Bhave
Question: Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin ?by: kiran (Profile)
A: Assam
Not Answered

B: Bengal
C: Odisha
D: Kashmir
Question: The founder of Dharma Sabha was ?by: Vishal (Profile)
A: Gopi Mohun Deb
Not Answered

B: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
C: Swami Vivekananda
D: None of these.
Question: The founder of Brahma Samaj was ?by: Vishal (Profile)
A: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Not Answered

B: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
C: Swami Vivekananda
D: None of these.
Question: The founder of Athmiya Sabha was ?by: Vishal (Profile)
A: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Not Answered

B: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
C: Swami Vivekananda
D: None of these.
Question: The founder of Arya Samaj was ?by: Vishal (Profile)
A: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Not Answered

B: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
C: Swami Vivekananda
D: None of these.
Question: The beneficiaries of Asoka’s donations in the region of Barabar Hill were__?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Buddhists
Not Answered

B: Ajivikas
C: Svetambar Jains
D: Digambar Jains
Question: Which among the following is the most famous Bronze Image of Chola Period ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Murugan
Not Answered

B: Nataraja
C: Venkateshwar
D: Vishnu
Question: Metronymics were borne by the later rulers of which among the following dynasties?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Maurya
Not Answered

B: Sunga
C: Kanva
D: Satavahana
Question: America was discovered in ?by: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: 1491
Not Answered

B: 1492
C: 1493
D: 1494
Question: Which among following is called "Gift of the Nile" ?by: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: China
Not Answered

B: India
C: Iraq
D: Egypt
Question: Rivers Tigris and Euphrates are associated with ?by: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: Mesopotamian Civilization
Not Answered

B: Egyptain Civilization
C: Harappan Civilization
D: Chinese Civilization
Question: In which year, Alexander the Great become the king of Macedoniaby: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: 336 BC
Not Answered

B: 350 BC
C: 323 BC
D: 200 BC
Question: Which is the official language of Karnataka?by: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: Tulu
Not Answered

B: Konkani
C: Kodava
D: Kannada
Question: wher is shanthisagara (sulekere) lakeby: siddu6252 (Profile)
A: bangalore
Not Answered

B: mangalore
C: davanagere
D: shivamogga
Question: The founder of the first Afghan rule in India was ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
A: Bahlul Lodi
Not Answered

B: Ibrahim Lodi
C: Sikandar Lodi
D: Sher Shah Suri
Question: Which among the following Sultans called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy of God was?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Alauddin Khalji
Not Answered

B: Balban
C: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
D: Iltutmish
Question: The inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi script were deciphered by ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Alexander Cunningham
Not Answered

B: James Princep
C: Max Muller
D: Mortimer Wheeler
Question: The Capital of the ancient Chola kingdom was ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Kaveropoompattinam
Not Answered

B: Thanjavur
C: Madurai
D: Uraiyur
Question: Who discovered the Harappan site Kalibangan ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
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Question: The Portuguese built their first fortress in India at __ ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Cochin
Not Answered

B: Goa
C: Anjidiv
D: None of these
Question: Who defeated Marathas in the third battle of Panipat ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Mughals
Not Answered

B: Rohillas
C: British
D: Afghans
Question: Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Sher Shah
Not Answered

B: Akbar
C: Humayun
D: None of these
Question: Sher Shah died while fighting in ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
A: Chausa
Not Answered

B: Kalinga
C: Kalinjar
D: None of these
Question: Which among the following Hindu Painters was sent by Jahangir to portrait Shah Abbas-I of Persia ?by: Abhijeet (Profile)
A: Basawan
Not Answered

B: Bishan Das
C: Dasrath
D: Manohar
Question: Alexander, the King of Macedonia (Greece) was son of ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Zeus
Not Answered

B: Philip
C: Aristotle
D: Achilles
Question: who is the first woman candidate to contest for presidential election in india ?by: puspay3 (Profile)
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Question: Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel is Often known as the ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Iron Man of India
Not Answered

B: Bismarck of India
C: Patron Saint
D: All of these.
Question: Largest Buddhist monastery in India is atby: yrenu092 (Profile)
A: Dharmashala
Not Answered

B: Tawang
C: Sarnath
D: Darjeling
Question: Who is the greek god of war?by: amit (Profile)
A: Ares
Not Answered

B: Heracles
C: Homados
D: Nike
Question: Birthplace of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ?by: amit (Profile)
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Question: Which Mughal Emperor was a well-known poet?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Akbar
Not Answered

B: Shahjahan
C: Humayun
D: Bhadur Shah Jafar
Question: The original Home of Kushanas was?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Persia
Not Answered

B: Arbia
C: Macedonia
D: Chinese Turkistan
Question: The capital of Sasanka was?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Toshali
Not Answered

B: Karnasuvarna
C: Mahasthangarh
D: Suvarnagri
Question: The first Muslim Invaders of india were?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Arabs
Not Answered

B: Turks
C: Mughals
D: Mongols
Question: The founder of pink city Jaipur was?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Bhawana Singh
Not Answered

B: Sawai Jai Singh II
C: Mirza Jai Singh
D: None of these.
Question: Who was Duhsala in the Indian epic Mahabharat ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Sister of Duryodhana
Not Answered

B: Wife of Jayadratha
C: Suratha's Mother
D: All of these.
Question: Harappan Civilization was discovered by?by: Alok (Profile)
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Question: Napolean of India is Called to?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Akbar
Not Answered

B: Ashoka
C: Samudragupt
D: None of these.
Question: Indus Valley people had trade relationship with?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Greece
Not Answered

B: Egypt
C: Mesopotamia
D: None of these.
Question: Who founded the kingdom of Ghazni ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Hijjaj
Not Answered

B: Alaptagin
C: Sabuktagin
D: None of these.
Question: The Huna leader Mihirgula was defeated by?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Chandragupt
Not Answered

B: Yashodharman
C: Budhagupta
D: None of these.
Question: Before Subhas Chandra Bose, Who was leader of Indian National Army?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: Colonel S.H. Malik
Not Answered

B: Captain mohan singh
C: Major General M.Z Kiani
D: Major General S.N. Khan
Question: Sandrokottos is the Greek name of?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Chandragupta Maurya
Not Answered

B: Bindusara
C: Samuargupt
D: None of these.
Question: The Indian king who opposed Alexander was?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Porus
Not Answered

B: Dhananand
C: Chandragupt
D: None of these.
Question: Alexander conquered in India ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Punjab
Not Answered

B: Panchala
C: Ayodhya
D: Magadha
Question: Tulsidas lived during the reign of:by: Alok (Profile)
A: Humayun
Not Answered

B: Akbar the Great
C: Jahangir
D: Shah Jahan (Khurram)
Question: He invited her (for/to) dinner ? by: yashu (Profile)
Ans: ????
Question: Who in the list was buried at Sikandra ?by: Anita (Profile)
A: Babur
Not Answered

B: Jahangir
C: Akabar
D: None of these.
Question: Who was the first president of all india home rule league ( april , 1916 ) ?by: uchita61 (Profile)
Ans: joseph bapista
Question: Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan's great construction is known as?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Taj Mahal (Agra)
Not Answered

B: Moti Masjid (Agra)
C: Red Fort (Delhi)
D: All of these.
Question: Which one in the list is correct chronological order of the emperors of Mughal dynasty in India?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Babur, Humayun, Akabar, Jahangir
Not Answered

B: Babur, Jahangir, Akabar, Humayun
C: Babur, Jahangir, Akabar, Shahjahan
D: None of these.
Question: The third ruler of the Mughal Dynasty in India was?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Humayun
Not Answered

B: Akbar the Great
C: Jahangir (Salim)
D: Shah Jahan (Khurram)
Question: Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), The great Greek Philosopher. What's not true about him?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Plato's student
Not Answered

B: Teacher of Alexander the Great
C: Teacher of Socrates
D: Nicomachean Ethics is his work on Ethics
Question: Who was the founder of the Maratha Empire?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Shahaji Bhosale
Not Answered

B: Shivaji Bhosale
C: None
Question: Chanakaya (Kautilya) was the guru of?by: altafact (Profile)
A: Ashoka, the great
Not Answered

B: Chandragupta Maurya
C: Bindusara
D: None
Question: Son of Kaikasi?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Ravana
Not Answered

B: Bali
Question: Avanti Kingdom, which was in 16 Mahajanapadas, 's capital was?by: sushma (Profile)
A: Mahissati
Not Answered

B: Ujjaini
C: Both
D: None
Question: Who does belong to "Maurya Dynasty"?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Ashoka the Great
Not Answered

B: Bindusara
C: Chandragupta Maurya
D: All of these.
Question: Kaurwaki, wife of "Ashoka, the great", who basically belonged to "Kalinga" had a son. What was the name of the son?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Kunala
Not Answered

B: Mahendra
C: Tivala
D: None of these.
Question: Chandragupta Maurya defeted Seleucus (Alexander's successors) and married his daughter. What was the name of his daughter?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Helen
Not Answered

B: Apama
C: Laodice
D: None of these.
Question: East india company used to purchase pepper and cardamom in-by: rajesh3586 (Profile)
A: Sri Ranga Patnam
Not Answered

B: East Coast
C: Malabar Coast
D: Konkan Coast
Question: What was the means of Polaj in mugal period?by: rajesh3586 (Profile)
A: Type of Tax
Not Answered

B: Type of Land
C: Type of Crop
D: Type of Goods
Question: Second World War (1939 to 1945) started when Germany invaded ...???... ?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Italy
Not Answered

B: Ukraine
C: Denmark
D: Poland
Question: Trojan horse word does nearly belong to the warrior?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Alexander
Not Answered

B: Achilles
C: Zues
D: None of these.
Question: India's capital changed from Calcutta (Now Kolkata) to Delhi in __?by: Alok (Profile)
A: 1910
Not Answered

B: 1911
C: 1916
D: 1923
Question: Home Rule League was established by?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Annie Besant
Not Answered

B: Mahatma Gandhi
C: Subhas Chandra Bose
D: None of these.
Question: The first Indian to give a speech in Hindi at the U.N. Assembly was?by: yashu (Profile)
A: Manmohan Singh
Not Answered

B: Atal Behari Vajpayee
C: Vijaylaxmi pandit
D: jawaharlal Nehru
Question: Which in the following list was the capital of Shivaji ?by: Vinod (Profile)
A: Raigad
Not Answered

B: Singhagarh
C: Panhala
D: None of these.
Question: Who was the last ruler of the Mughal dynasty?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Shah Jahan
Not Answered

B: Aurangzeb
C: Jehangir
D: Bahadur Shah Zafar
Question: The Kakatiya dynasty was a ?by: History (Profile)
A: Tamil Dynasty
Not Answered

B: Yadava Dynasty
C: Telegu Dynasty
D: None of these.
Question: Under Akbar, Mir Bakhsi was required to look after ?by: History (Profile)
A: Revenue System
Not Answered

B: State treasury
C: Military Affairs
D: None of these.
Question: The Territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of ?by: History (Profile)
A: Jhelum & Chenab
Not Answered

B: Ravi & Chenab
C: Sutlej & Chenab
D: None of these.
Question: The battle of Plassey was fought in?by: History (Profile)
A: 1747
Not Answered

B: 1757
C: 1782
D: 1748
Question: Who founded the "Vijayanagara" Empire?by: History (Profile)
A: Dantidurga
Not Answered

B: Prabhakar Vardhan
C: Dridhaprahara
D: Harihara And Bukka Raya 1
Question: When was the Mughal Empire established?by: History (Profile)
A: 1526 AD
Not Answered

B: 1556 AD
C: 1576 AD
D: 1414 AD
Question: King Porus fought bravely with Alexander in battle of Hydaspes. What was the name of his kingdom?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Ahom Kingdom
Not Answered

B: Pourava Kingdom
C: Hydaspes Kingdom
D: Eastern Ganga
Question: Who wrote our National Anthem?by: Abhishek (Profile)
A: Bankim Chandra Chatterji
Not Answered

B: Mohammad Iqbal
C: Rabindra Nath Tagore
D: None of these.
Question: Who was called the 'Napoleon of India'?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: Chandragupta Maurya
Not Answered

B: Samudragupta
C: Ashoka
D: None of these.
Question: Akbar was born on ?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: 14 October 1542
Not Answered

B: 14 October 1540
C: 24 October 1542
D: 24 October 1540
Question: which is 1st largest country in the world ?by: pradeep.ahuja19 (Profile)
A: india
Not Answered

B: china
C: canada
D: russia
Question: The Battle of the Hydaspes River was fought between Alexander & ..... ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Chandragupta Maurya
Not Answered

B: Porus
C: Bindusara
D: Dhana Nanda
Question: Alexander's Horse name?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Bucephalas
Not Answered

B: Bucephalus
C: Both of these
D: None of these
Question: Ashoka the Great ruled from EGPAGE (Profile)
A: 273 BCE
Not Answered

B: 270 BCE
C: 262 BCE
D: 323 BCE
Question: The Father name of The Great Ashoka was?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
A: chandragupta maurya
Not Answered

B: Bindusar
C: samudragupta
D: None of these
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